Thursday, December 31, 2009

Thursday, December 31st, 2009: Erica Has a New Hip!

After a minor delay yesterday due to another patient's surgery taking longer than expected, Erica was wheeled into the operating room at about 11:45 a.m. I went over to the surgical waiting room across the hall and set up shop: Kindle, iPod, and phone, and settled down to wait.

The surgery didn't take as long as I thought it would, only about two hours. The doctor came out and told me that everything had gone well, and that they were putting a pain block in her hip, I think, and something new: a scopolamine patch behind her ear to help her deal with the nausea she always gets from the pain medication.

After a little more time, my phone rang. It was Erica! She was decidedly groggy, but told me her room number. I took her stuff up and got her organized. Yes, she was stoned, but somehow able to talk on the phone. She's an incredible person.

I left there at about 4 and came home to take care of the animals. She called me a couple more times at home and then we hung up last night at about 7:30. Haven't heard from her yet today, but will be going back to see her shortly.

Happy New Year!!

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