Thursday, March 26, 2009

Thursday, March 26th, 2009: Erica's "New" Wardrobe

So today the scale showed about the same, but the BIG news is that Erica was able to put on a shirt that she hadn't been able to wear in years. And, the shirt was a little loose! That's the best news in a long time. This weekend we are going to weed out the stuff that doesn't fit her any more because it's TOO BIG, and put it aside for donation.

She's also doing great in the food department, with hardly any issues. The main thing is to eat slowly and chew everything well. The diabetes is indeed gone, with the highest reading somewhere around 100, which is excellent. She's still on cholesterol medication, though, but will probably go off it when she sees the doctor in a month or so.


Thursday, March 19, 2009

Thursday, March 19th, 2009: Ladies and Gentlemen: ERICA HAS LOST 103 POUNDS!!

Yes, you read right. Erica has passed the magic "100". We are so jazzed we can't stand it. Just 97 more to go . . .

She's doing just great, still adjusting to what she can and can't eat, but that's an adjustment that'll take a while and is to be expected.

Meantime, she's been embarrassed a couple of times by her pants just falling down; thank God it's happened in places where no one saw. Yes, I know, we REALLY need to find those skinnier pants and get them out to the cleaners!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday, March 13th, 2009: Not Much to Report

Erica is kind of in a holding pattern (plateau) and so there isn't any "HOORAY!" stuff to post. She's doing really well, though. She's got a new favorite food, Cheerios with Lactaid 1% milk, and is enjoying that for breakfast now. She's also rediscovered sourdough toast with cheese.

So no new pictures this week (sorry), but I think we'll have some news by next Thursday.

Have a great weekend!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tuesday, March 10th, 2009: Yesterday's Follow-Up with Dr. Powell

So Erica had her follow-up appointment with Dr. Powell yesterday and things went great. He is very satisfied with her progress and answered her questions regarding the issues she's been having keeping some food down (the pouch needs to become more elastic and will do so with time), and the screwy little pain she has in the middle of her chest (it's the pouch and nothing to worry about).

He also told her that a lot of the issues she's having come from the body's adjusting to the drastic weight loss, that hormones are going nuts because of the shock but it's all working itself out. That was a relief.

Anyhow, she'll go back in another three months. And we REALLY have to dig up those smaller pants!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Thursday, March 5th, 2009: 97 Pounds!!

Well, it's not quite the 100 we'd hoped for, but this will do quite well. Erica's next-size-down pants were too big, do you believe it? Now we need to go digging for the NEXT size down. She's doing great, feeling wonderful, and this Saturday will finally get on the exercise bike for a light workout.

More news: she doesn't use the shower chair in the shower any more. Just amazing. Absolutely amazing!!

We go back to Dr. Powell next week and we know he will be so pleased. Us? We're so jazzed we can't stand it!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Wednesday, March 4th, 2009: Sorry About That

I know, I know, I promised pictures and all kinds of stuff LAST week. Suffice to say every time we thought about the scale or the pictures it was too late, i.e., Erica was eating or the camera battery was dead.

Mea culpa.

Tomorrow for sure. I promise. I really do. Really. I do. Honest.