Thursday, January 14, 2010

Thursday, January 14th, 2010: Erica's Going Back to Work!

We went to the doctor this morning to have Erica's staples removed from her incisions. The doctor was very pleased with the X-rays and how the incisions were healing, so he gave her the all-clear to go back to work on Tuesday, the 19th (Monday, the 18th, is MLK Day, a holiday).

She's giving up the scooter at work and only using the walker, and will hopefully be able to start exercising soon. It's been a fantastic, quick recovery, probably the best out of all her surgeries!!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sunday, January 10th, 2010: Erica's First Big Outing: All Saints Church!

Today Erica had her first "big" outing since her surgery on December 30th: going to All Saints Church! She did really well, except she sat through the whole service and had a little trouble getting up, but all in all it went great. Everyone was really happy to see her, and she had a blast catching up on all that had happened with them since she'd been out.

I continue to be totally amazed at her incredible progress. She does "laps" around the house on her walker, goes up the stairs with no problem at all, and gets in and out of bed without any help. And remember, it hasn't been two weeks since her surgery! It is just incredible!!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Thursday, January 7th, 2010: Erica is Doing Great!

Just wanted to let y'all know that Erica is doing just fabulous! There is not even a hint of any nausea, and she's eating and getting along fine. We've gotten a visit from a physical therapist, and she's doing the prescribed exercises over and above the number of times she's expected to do them.

All in all, this is the best recovery she's had and I am just so happy. Her first real "outing" will be church this Sunday, and she's really looking forward to it!!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Friday, January 1st, 2010: Update

Erica e-mailed that they'd removed all the IV's and she's feeling better. She'd ordered a grilled cheese sandwich and iced tea for dinner, and wants to come home very much. I think it'll be a "go" tomorrow. I'll keep you posted. I thank you for all your good thoughts and prayers!!

Friday, January 1st, 2010: Erica's Better

I made it to the hospital this morning during the actual Rose Parade, so traffic wasn't too bad. Erica is doing much better, although she is having more pain as the pain block wears off. She is still on track to come home tomorrow, although that hinges on whether she can negotiate the stairs. The physical therapist is supposed to give her pointers on how to maneuver them, but so far no one has. Hopefully tomorrow.

She walked again today, and is now doing exercises with her "new" hip, which includes raising and lowering her leg 10 times every three or four hours.

I left her watching the Rose Bowl.