Saturday, April 25, 2009

Saturday, April 25th, 2009: So the Problem is . . .

We now know what's causing Erica's stomach issues. Ulcers. Do you believe it? Ulcers.

We went in this morning for a scope procedure, where the doctor puts a scope down your throat to see what's going on (Erica was out cold, just so you know). After the procedure and when she was relatively coherent, the doctor showed us photos of what he found.

Apparently she has ulcers around the opening of her new stomach and they are getting in the way of her swallowing food. The doctor was able to stretch the opening a little and has given Erica pills to help heal the ulcers and calm her stomach. He said that this type of stuff happens in about four to six percent of gastric bypass patients and is really nothing to worry about. She will have to go back in about six to eight weeks to have this procedure done again, as when the ulcers heal the opening gets smaller again. This procedure will have to be redone until the ulcers heal up and are not constricting the opening any more.

He also told her to be careful, not only of what she eats, but how she eats: little bites, chew slowly, and also eat slowly.

She's kind of out of it today due to the anesthetic, but should be fine tomorrow.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Thursday, April 23rd, 2009: 119 Pounds!

We're getting closer to the magic 200-pounds-lost mark! It's amazing.
Erica continues to do pretty well. She knows the things that upset her stomach (like chicken, eating too fast, or drinking something while eating) and has managed to avoid any unpleasant episodes. We're also hoping that the "scope" procedure which will be happening on Saturday will make life a lot easier for her.

She's walking with just the help of her cane, doing very well without the walker, and is very happy about not having to lug the walker around with her any more. Her hip continues to give her some problems, though, and unfortunately that can't be fixed until she gets down to her goal weight, but she is taking it all in stride (pun intended).

I'll be back on Saturday, after we get back from the scope appointment, to let you know how it went. Erica is kind of nervous about it but is looking forward to the "good drugs".

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sunday, April 19th, 2009: Scope Appointment Update

Hi, Happy Sunday Evening!

Forgot to add in the regular entry that Erica's got an appointment for the "scope" procedure this coming Saturday, the 25th. It'll be early in the morning, and it'll take about an hour altogether. Erica also assures me that she'll be getting some good drugs to help things go more smoothly.

I'll blog afterwards to let you know how it went.

Have a great week!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Friday, April 17th, 2009: A Pound is a Pound is a Pound . . .

Just one pound lost this week, but it's still a pound lost. The better news is that Erica is ditching her walker, for at least some of the time. She's just using a cane now to go to work, and is doing great at it. Last night, (and I almost had a heart attack when I saw it) she walked UNAIDED (as in no walker, no cane, no NOTHING) from her chair in the family room to the staircase, a distance of at least 15 feet. Wow.

She's practicing being more mobile so that she can help our friend take care of the kids when I leave for Honolulu in a couple of weeks (just for a few days), and also when we travel to New York/New Jersey in June for her niece Kim's wedding.

We have also gone through the stuff that used to not fit her, and have pulled out a few pair of slacks and shirts that fit her better, thus avoiding any "wardrobe malfunctions".

So things are moving right along. It's getting better all the time, to quote an old Beatles' song. And for those of you who did not grow up in the Sixties, it's Paul McCartney's old group, before he formed "Wings".

Friday, April 10, 2009

Friday, April 10th, 2009: W00T!! 113 Pounds!!

People are really beginning to see the changes in Erica, now that she's lost more than a whole person. It is amazing in terms of better mobility, more energy, and the ability to just do more stuff.

She has, however, called the doctor for an appointment for a "scope" procedure, which will enlarge the stomach opening and alleviate the remaining issues. That should take care of things, hopefully.

To all our friends, Christian, Jewish, and non-committal: Happy Easter, Happy Passover, and Happy Weekend!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Friday, April 3rd, 2009: 109 Pounds!

Sorry I didn't post yesterday; computer problems.
Erica has now lost 109 pounds and is doing much better as far as her stomach issues are concerned. As we've decided, it's a matter of adjusting to the new stomach and it will get better as time goes by. The doctor said that the esophagus will stretch over time, and so will the pouch, and so as long as she eats slowly things should be okay.

Her new favorite food is Cheerios, which go down great are very nutritious, and are also very portable. She has a bowl with them and milk in the morning and then takes a baggie for a snack.

Exercise is an issue, though, because of her hip. We're going to explore the stationary bike this weekend to see if she can indeed do a little of that.